Parkour – the Art of Movement.
You've probably seen or heard of it before. But how much do you actually know about it? In this debut feature-length documentary by independent filmmaker and videographer Michelle Kan, we journey into the New Zealand parkour scene and take a look at the philosophies and principles that this discipline embodies, as well as sharing the stories of those in the New Zealand community whom parkour has helped in profound ways.
MOVE (Flow Like Water) – A Parkour Documentary utilises Chinese themes and motifs and the Maori concept of Hauora to illustrate the history, principles and philosophies of parkour, and features footage and interviews of not just the Wellington parkour crew, but of the greater New Zealand community.
MOVE (Flow Like Water) – A Parkour Documentary utilises Chinese themes and motifs and the Maori concept of Hauora to illustrate the history, principles and philosophies of parkour, and features footage and interviews of not just the Wellington parkour crew, but of the greater New Zealand community.